Thursday, June 26, 2014

Enjoy the Beauty's of Life

Prophesy of America... Babylon the Great

Prophesy of America
The bible tells the wise and true of heart to flee from babylon which is America. During the time of Isaiah, Jeremiah,Zachariah and John the Revelator there was no such thing as America when they received these visions, but if you follow the precepts the characteristics of the land relate to modern day America. Deliver thyself from Babylon and keep an eye on Iran for they're the Medes that will be the end of America as we know it.

Who are the 12 Tribes of Israel??

Who are the 12 Tribes of Israel?? Who are these people no church wants to speak about?? Who are these people who Paul says aren't done away with in Romans 11:1?? Find out who you are 12 Tribes and it will set you free.