Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Satanism Tied With Modern Christianity

There's really not a big difference from satanism to the modern day christian beliefs. Neither follow the Holy Days of the bible instead both follow the same pagan days of worship like: Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day and Thanksgiving. Neither follow the laws, statues and commandments of the bible and they would agree the the laws are done away with. What I'm saying is follow the laws, statues and commandments and stop saying through grace i can do all things and repent; when it tells you in Hebrews 10:26 that if we sin willfully after knowing the truth/ knowing better there's no more sacrifice for sins. Also, in Matthews 5:17 it states and this is Christ writings that he didn't come to destroy the law or the prophets but to fulfill. So he didn't abolish Moses laws nor the new testament laws from the prophets. Matthew 5:7 tells us that Christ was the lamb sacrificed for our sins and that's why we don't do sacrifices according to the new testament and in our present day. That doesn't mean that you don't have to follow the laws anymore. Let's get away from this christian teaching on the rapture when scripture tells us that those that are left behind are the blessed ones. How can the christian doctrine be validated when they say the laws in the old testament are done away with, but say you should follow the 10 commandments which are in the old testament and still break those 10 commandments. Even though there are really like 624 commandments in the bible. They don't honour the sabbath (the 7th day) which is Saturday and say we worship everyday which the bible speaks nothing of doing. It also says thou shall not make any graven image in which we have this Caucasian man as Christ which the bible doesn't solidify in Revelations 1:18 and Daniel 10:6. Also, it says let us not make anything in the likeness of the heavens; that would be pottery angels that are in your living room. That's an idol. And last but not least the cross in which you held so dear is also an idol. When you go to church is not the cross in the center of the pulpit? And the pews face you toward the cross so when you bow your head to pray your praying directly to the cross... Is that by chance? Ahayah already knew what our condition was going to be in this time of peril. Deuteronomy 28:64 states that well be serving other gods that our forefathers haven't known and serving wood and stone. That would be you cross for Christianity and your stone for Muslim (Kaaba stone). Let's teach the people correct and not things that are not true according to scripture.

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