Saturday, October 4, 2014

The 365 day calendar was NOT made by Ahayah

Shalom Family, Here attached is the Hebrew calendar also known as the Jubilees Calendar, from the book of Enoch chapter 72&73, that we as a people were prophesied to come back to following in the last days. This calendar consists of the Most High's Holy Days, Feast Days and Sabbaths. We (as a people) don't understand the days of the bible for the simple fact that we don't understand this calendar of the sun cycle. We are not suppose to follow the cycles of the moon for the simple reason that the moon goes off course 10 days a year, that's why you only see quarters of the moon certain nights and 10 days of those nights a year you do not see the moon at all. So for instance if you watched the moon for days of the year you would be 10 days short giving you 354 days a year and you would have to add lunar days and leap years to catch up to the suns orbit. (Ex.365 Days a year) There are 7 days a week, 52 weeks and 364 days a year according to the scriptures of Enoch following the suns orbit. Enoch tells us the first day of the year will be exactly equal, 12 hrs day and 12 hrs night, as you see on the "Sun or Moon Rise Table" below on the attachment. March 16th is exactly 12 hours day and 12 hours night, making the Last day of the year fall on the 15th which is a sabbath and the 8th day of the week and the 16th being the 1st day of the week giving us the first day of the year.
Hope this helps you out a lot! Bless you all

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