Saturday, October 11, 2014

SUN Worship NOT SON Worship

1st you have the Peagans "Wheel of the Years"
2nd you have the Hindu "Kalachakra"
3rd you have the Buddist "Dharma"
4th you have the Catholic "Monstrance"

These all four are sun worship in different religions. Worshiping the S.U.N and NOT the S.O.N. Ezekiel 8:14-16 Speaks about these things such as the women weeping for Tammuz, with our lack of knowledge Tammuz was born December 25th and was the son of Semiramis who came down in an egg from the moon on Easter then was impregnated birthing Tammuz on the 25th of December. She also was the wife of Nimrod in ancient Babylon who was killed by Shem. Nimrod went by the names Osiris and also Gilgamesh. When Nimrod was killed Shem chopped his body into many parts and scattered them all over the earth. Later Semiramis got her army to recover the body parts to reincarnate him, but all was found except the reproductive organ. Since that was not found he couldn't be reincarnated and his spirit went into the sun later being called by the name Ba'al or Sun God. After the death of Nimrod, Semiramis proclaimed herself to be a god and later went by the names Isis, Ishtar, Diana, Venus, Valentines Day and Queen of Heaven as referred to in Jeremiah 44:17. Tammuz also went by the names of Horus and Cupid coming forth from a virgin birth who is also a sun god. So as you can see these same Egyptian so-called gods are the same gods of Ancient Babylon. This makes it more important for us to put down our Sunday worship and come back to our fathers day which is Saturday.

1 comment:

  1. The SUN is older than the EARTH. The Earth is 4.5 billion years old. The religious parables mentioned above are under 2,000 years old. and the bible that tries to reason them is only 400 years old. December or any other month did not exist on any calendar until 500 years ago and neither did Saturday. So if you are not going to let go of all the foolishness what difference does a day make?
