Friday, October 24, 2014


Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is viral respiratory illness first reported in Saudi Arabia in 2012. It is caused by a coronavirus called MERS-CoV. Most people who have been confirmed to have MERS-CoV infection developed severe acute respiratory illness. They had fever, cough, and shortness of breath. About 30% of people confirmed to have MERS-CoV infection have died.
Image of map showing countries in Arabian Penninsula with confirmed MERs and countries where precautions are recommended, as detailed on this page.So far, all the cases have been linked to countries in and near the Arabian Peninsula. This virus has spread from ill people to others through close contact, such as caring for or living with an infected person. However, there is no evidence of sustained spreading in community settings.
CDC continues to closely monitor the MERS situation globally and work with partners to better understand the risks of this virus, including the source, how it spreads, and how infections might be prevented. CDC recognizes the potential for MERS-CoV to spread further and cause more cases globally and in the U.S. We have provided information for travelers and are working with health departments, hospitals, and other partners to prepare for this.

MERS in the U.S.

On May 2, 2014, the first U.S. imported case of MERS was confirmed in a traveler from Saudi Arabia to the U.S. On May 11, 2014, a second U.S. imported case of MERS was confirmed in a traveler also from Saudi Arabia.

The Crazy thing about this is that you can have a common cold and be taken into quarantine. Not to mention that this comes about during flu season. So if you go to the doctor be aware that they according to the law have to call the authorities if you show symptoms of Mers and/or so-called Ebola.

Christian False Teachings

Many people in the christian church are waiting on a rapture and I'm sure their religious leader taught them that the rapture would happen before the anti-christ is revealed. I'm sure they said that the anti-christ would bring forth the mark of the beast and he would bring forth martial law. In the Obama care bill it says that their going to bring forth a two way radio where no man can buy or sell without. Also, he's implemented medical martial law where they can basically lock you down and destroy you based on you being a so-called medical threat to society through the Obama Care Bill. The Middle East has already been taken down by this man. The bible says there's many anti-christ, but why not start with this one first. Why are your institutions not speaking about this?

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals

Ebola, AIDS Manufactured by Western Pharmaceuticals, US DoD?

Scientists Allege
Dr. Cyril Broderick, Professor of Plant Pathology
Dear World Citizens:
I have read a number of articles from your Internet outreach as well as articles from other sources about the casualties in Liberia and other West African countries about the human devastation caused by the Ebola virus. About a week ago, I read an article published in the Internet news summary publication of the Friends of Liberia that said that there was an agreement that the initiation of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa was due to the contact of a two-year old child with bats that had flown in from the Congo. That report made me disconcerted with the reporting about Ebola, and it stimulated a response to the “Friends of Liberia,” saying that African people are not ignorant and gullible, as is being implicated. A response from Dr. Verlon Stone said that the article was not theirs, and that “Friends of Liberia” was simply providing a service. He then asked if he could publish my letter in their Internet forum. I gave my permission, but I have not seen it published. Because of the widespread loss of life, fear, physiological trauma, and despair among Liberians and other West African citizens, it is incumbent that I make a contribution to the resolution of this devastating situation, which may continue to recur, if it is not properly and adequately confronted. I will address the situation in five (5) points:
Horowitz (1998) was deliberate and unambiguous when he explained the threat of new diseases in his text, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional. In his interview with Dr. Robert Strecker in Chapter 7, the discussion, in the early 1970s, made it obvious that the war was between countries that hosted the KGB and the CIA, and the ‘manufacture’ of ‘AIDS-Like Viruses’ was clearly directed at the other. In passing during the Interview, mention was made of Fort Detrick, “the Ebola Building,” and ‘a lot of problems with strange illnesses’ in “Frederick [Maryland].” By Chapter 12 in his text, he had confirmed the existence of an American Military-Medical-Industry that conducts biological weapons tests under the guise of administering vaccinations to control diseases and improve the health of “black Africans overseas.” The book is an excellent text, and all leaders plus anyone who has interest in science, health, people, and intrigue should study it. I am amazed that African leaders are making no acknowledgements or reference to these documents.
I am now reading The Hot Zone, a novel, by Richard Preston (copyrighted 1989 and 1994); it is heart-rending. The prolific and prominent writer, Steven King, is quoted as saying that the book is “One of the most horrifying things I have ever read. What a remarkable piece of work.” As a New York Times bestseller, The Hot Zone is presented as “A terrifying true story.” Terrifying, yes, because the pathological description of what was found in animals killed by the Ebola virus is what the virus has been doing to citizens of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia in its most recent outbreak: Ebola virus destroys peoples’ internal organs and the body deteriorates rapidly after death. It softens and the tissues turn into jelly, even if it is refrigerated to keep it cold. Spontaneous liquefaction is what happens to the body of people killed by the Ebola virus! The author noted in Point 1, Dr. Horowitz, chides The Hot Zone for writing to be politically correct; I understand because his book makes every effort to be very factual. The 1976 Ebola incident in Zaire, during President Mobutu Sese Seko, was the introduction of the GMO Ebola to Africa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and several other UN Agencies have been implicated in selecting and enticing African countries to participate in the testing events, promoting vaccinations, but pursuing various testing regiments. The August 2, 2014 article, West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone? by Jon Rappoport of Global Research pinpoints the problem that is facing African governments. 
Obvious in this and other reports are, among others: 
(a) The US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), a well-known centre for bio-war research, located at Fort Detrick, Maryland; 
(b) Tulane University, in New Orleans, USA, winner of research grants, including a grant of more than $7 million the National Institute of Health (NIH) to fund research with the Lassa viral hemorrhagic fever; 
(c) the US Center for Disease Control (CDC); 
(d) Doctors Without Borders (also known by its French name, Medicins Sans Frontiers); 
(e) Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company;  
(f) The UK’s GlaxoSmithKline; and 
(g) the Kenema Government Hospital in Kenema, Sierra Leone. 
Reports narrate stories of the US Department of Defense (DoD) funding Ebola trials on humans, trials which started just weeks before the Ebola outbreak in Guinea and Sierra Leone. The reports continue and state that the DoD gave a contract worth $140 million dollars to Tekmira, a Canadian pharmaceutical company, to conduct Ebola research. This research work involved injecting and infusing healthy humans with the deadly Ebola virus. Hence, the DoD is listed as a collaborator in a “First in Human” Ebola clinical trial (NCT02041715, which started in January 2014 shortly before an Ebola epidemic was declared in West Africa in March. Disturbingly, many reports also conclude that the US government has a viral fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Kenema, a town at the epicentre of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. The only relevant positive and ethical olive-branch seen in all of my reading is that reported, “The US government funding of Ebola trials on healthy humans comes amid warnings by top scientists in Harvard and Yale that such virus experiments risk triggering a worldwide pandemic.” That threat still persists.
The U. S., Canada, France, and the U. K. are all implicated in the detestable and devilish deeds that these Ebola tests are. There is the need to pursue criminal and civil redress for damages, and African countries and people should secure legal representation to seek damages from these countries, some corporations, and the United Nations. Evidence seems abundant against Tulane University, and suits should start there. Yoichi Shimatsu’s article, The Ebola Breakout Coincided with UN Vaccine Campaigns, as published on August 18, 2014, in the Liberty Beacon.
Africa must not relegate the Continent to become the locality for disposal and the deposition of hazardous chemicals, dangerous drugs, and chemical or biological agents of emerging diseases. There is urgent need for affirmative action in protecting the less affluent of poorer countries, especially African citizens, whose countries are not as scientifically and industrially endowed as the United States and most Western countries, sources of most viral or bacterial GMOs that are strategically designed as biological weapons. It is most disturbing that the U. S. Government has been operating a viral hemorrhagic fever bioterrorism research laboratory in Sierra Leone. Are there others? Wherever they exist, it is time to terminate them. If any other sites exist, it is advisable to follow the delayed but essential step: Sierra Leone closed the US bioweapons lab and stopped Tulane University for further testing.
The world must be alarmed. All Africans, Americans, Europeans, Middle Easterners, Asians, and people from every conclave on Earth should be astonished. African people, notably citizens more particularly of Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are victimized and are dying every day. Listen to the people who distrust the hospitals, who cannot shake hands, hug their relatives and friends. Innocent people are dying, and they need our help. The countries are poor and cannot afford the whole lot of personal protection equipment (PPE) that the situation requires. The threat is real, and it is larger than a few African countries. The challenge is global, and we request assistance from everywhere, including China, Japan, Australia, India, Germany, Italy, and even kind-hearted people in the U.S., France, the U.K., Russia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, and anywhere else whose desire is to help. The situation is bleaker than we on the outside can imagine, and we must provide assistance however we can. To ensure a future that has less of this kind of drama, it is important that we now demand that our leaders and governments be honest, transparent, fair, and productively engaged. They must answer to the people. Please stand up to stop Ebola testing and the spread of this dastardly disease.
Thank you very much.
Dr. Cyril E. Broderick, Sr.

Daily Observer Liberian Newspaper *What's really going on in Libya??*

< Daily Observer Newspaper in Libya >

‘Liberians Won’t Be Used as Guinea Pigs’ For Ebola Trial Drugs not Approved
Wed, 10/22/2014 - 00:29 admin
Health Products Regulatory Authority Warns
Alaskai Moore Johnson, Observer Health Correspondent

The Liberia Medicines & Health Products Regulatory Authority (LMHRA) has strongly warned pharmaceutical companies and others, who are trying to bring in “Ebola drugs/medicines,” for trial purposes, that Liberians won’t be used as Guinea pigs.

LMHRA, which released a statement yesterday, is the Government of Liberia’s arm that has the statutory mandate to review and approve all clinical trials involving medicines and health products in the country.

The Health Products Regulatory body said that “while we are seeking for all the help needed to eradicate this virus, we also want to be very careful as to what medicines are brought into the country for treatment at our various ETUs.”

In the wake of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak in the country that has claimed the lives of thousands of Liberians and other nationals, LMHRA said many “unapproved and unlicensed medicines have begun to line up as trial treatments for Ebola virus disease (EVD) in the country. In the midst of this situation, it has become necessary that the process of clinical trials be properly guided by policies and procedures for the safeguard of the population.”

The health regulatory body said it has been forced to speak out having read in a local newspaper that a purported Ebola treatment drug, Eboflip, has arrived in the country for trial on patients at ETUs.

“Eboflip, which is said to be indicated for the treatment of the Ebola Virus Disease, has no information on its pre-clinical safety data,” LMHRA said.

Pre-clinical safety data, according to LMHRA, is when a drug has been pre-tested on a lower class animal like monkey and its data recorded before it can be tested on humans.

The LMHRA said for the Eboflip to be tested in Liberia, a “Clinical Trial Proposal” has to be submitted to it but “up to the time of this press statement, there has been no Clinical Trial Proposal submitted to the LMHRA.  The LMHRA further stated that Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bernice Dahn, whom the newspaper claims had given “authorization” for the drug trial, denied ever doing so.

The LMHRA Managing Director, Pharmacist David Sumo said: “We would like to use this medium to inform the Eurofarmacos that, there are procedures and guidelines for clinical trials that must be followed by any institution wishing to carry out any of such activities.”

Eboflip is manufactured by Eurofarmacos Group Europe, a Spanish biotechnology company.

In a release posted on the company’s website, it announced that 20 days ago, it “donated to the Government of Liberia, to carry out clinical trials of immediate form a novel anti-viral treatment against EBOLA, the ‘EBOFLIP.’”

Eurofarmacos Group Europe’s statement quotes its president, Dr. José Manuel Frias, as saying, “We don't have the slightest doubt that, in a record time of not more than 40 days, we will make public the news of the results obtained and if they are consistent enough to ensure ultimate control of the EBOLA pandemic.”

Dr. Frias also disclosed that his company has currently prepared 30,000 treatments and has a production capacity of 500,000 monthly treatments.

 “Fortunately, the news arriving from Liberia, not only affirm the effectiveness of the ‘EBOFLIP’, but they do it in just 15 days of treatment, which significantly increases the hope that this treatment if it is the solution to this pandemic, which keeps all countries of the world in check,” Said Dr. Frias

A health practitioner, who asked that his name not be mentioned, criticized the health regulatory body for playing double standard. He stated that LMHRA did not sound the same alarm when the famous ZMAPP was allegedly brought into the country without pre-clinical safety data, but was allowed to be tested on patients. One of those patients was the late Dr. Abraham Borbor, who died at the ELWA-2 ETU. This health worker also wonders whether the LMHRA has the technology to determine if the drug is fit for human consumption.

Executive Order 13295 Signed by Obama

Executive Order -- Revised List of Quarantinable Communicable Diseases


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By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 264(b) of title 42, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1.  Amendment to Executive Order 13295.  Based upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Acting Surgeon General, and for the purposes set forth in section 1 of Executive Order 13295 of April 4, 2003, as amended by Executive Order 13375 of April 1, 2005, section 1 of Executive Order 13295 shall be further amended by replacing subsection (b) with the following:

"(b)  Severe acute respiratory syndromes, which are diseases that are associated with fever and signs and symptoms of pneumonia or other respiratory illness, are capable of being transmitted from person to person, and that either are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic, or, upon infection, are highly likely to cause mortality or serious morbidity if not properly controlled.  This subsection does not apply to influenza."

Sec. 2.  General Provisions.  (a)  Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:

(i) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or

(ii) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.

(b)  This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

Satanism Tied With Modern Christianity

There's really not a big difference from satanism to the modern day christian beliefs. Neither follow the Holy Days of the bible instead both follow the same pagan days of worship like: Christmas, Easter, Valentines Day and Thanksgiving. Neither follow the laws, statues and commandments of the bible and they would agree the the laws are done away with. What I'm saying is follow the laws, statues and commandments and stop saying through grace i can do all things and repent; when it tells you in Hebrews 10:26 that if we sin willfully after knowing the truth/ knowing better there's no more sacrifice for sins. Also, in Matthews 5:17 it states and this is Christ writings that he didn't come to destroy the law or the prophets but to fulfill. So he didn't abolish Moses laws nor the new testament laws from the prophets. Matthew 5:7 tells us that Christ was the lamb sacrificed for our sins and that's why we don't do sacrifices according to the new testament and in our present day. That doesn't mean that you don't have to follow the laws anymore. Let's get away from this christian teaching on the rapture when scripture tells us that those that are left behind are the blessed ones. How can the christian doctrine be validated when they say the laws in the old testament are done away with, but say you should follow the 10 commandments which are in the old testament and still break those 10 commandments. Even though there are really like 624 commandments in the bible. They don't honour the sabbath (the 7th day) which is Saturday and say we worship everyday which the bible speaks nothing of doing. It also says thou shall not make any graven image in which we have this Caucasian man as Christ which the bible doesn't solidify in Revelations 1:18 and Daniel 10:6. Also, it says let us not make anything in the likeness of the heavens; that would be pottery angels that are in your living room. That's an idol. And last but not least the cross in which you held so dear is also an idol. When you go to church is not the cross in the center of the pulpit? And the pews face you toward the cross so when you bow your head to pray your praying directly to the cross... Is that by chance? Ahayah already knew what our condition was going to be in this time of peril. Deuteronomy 28:64 states that well be serving other gods that our forefathers haven't known and serving wood and stone. That would be you cross for Christianity and your stone for Muslim (Kaaba stone). Let's teach the people correct and not things that are not true according to scripture.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Flu Shot May Lead to Ebola

Please Don't Get Flu Shots!! Ebola is Human made and can only be given through injection and/or when the host is showing symptoms of sickness putting the virus at an contagious state. Please be aware that your Government might not be worried about your well-being

Do Women Cover Their Heads According to the Bible?

Does the bible speak of women covering ones head to pray or read scriptures? Does the bible tell men to not cover their heads while praying or reading scriptures?

"Every man praying or prophesying, having his head covered, dishonors his head" (I Corinthians 11:4). In Greek this is: kata (on) kephales (head) echon (having); that is, having something on his head.
"But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head, for that is one and the same as if her head were shaved" (I Corinthians 11:5). In Greek this is: akatakalupto (uncovered) te (with the) kephale (head).
"For if a woman is not covered, let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved, let her be covered" (I Corinthians 11:6). In Greek, the first phrase is: ou (not) katakaluptetai (covered). The second phrase is a single Greek word: katakaluptestho (let her be covered).
"For a man indeed ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man" (I Corinthians 11:7). In the Greek this is: katakaluptesthai (to have covered) ten (the) kephalen (head).
"For this reason the woman ought to have a symbol of authority on her head, because of the angels" (I Corinthians 11:10). In the Greek this is: epi (on) tes (the) kephales (head).
"Judge among yourselves. Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered" (I Corinthians 11:13). In the Greek this is: akatakalupton (uncovered) to (with).
"But if a woman has long hair, it is a glory to her; for her hair is given to her for a covering" (I Corinthians 11:15). In the Greek this is: peribolaiou (of a covering).
These are just the verses that mention a covering in some way. Notice that there are three ways it is mentioned:
  1. Having something on the head (I Corinthians 11:4, 10).
  2. Having the head covered, not covered, or uncovered (I Corinthians 11:5, 6, 7, 13)
  3. Having a covering (I Corinthians 11:15)
In Greek one negates a word by putting a "a" at the beginning, much like putting an "un" in front of words in English. So akatakaluptos is the negative of katakalupto. Greek also has a variety of endings for words to change the number of people referred to, the gender of those people, the confidence of the fact, the time frame it occurred, and other things like this.
So our main concern is the definition of katakalupto. The word means to cover or hide. It is actually a compound word: kata (an intensifier) and kalupto (hide or conceal). It was used in the Septuagint in Numbers 22:5, "See, they cover the face of the earth." Or, "You shall put the mercy seat upon the ark of the Testimony in the Most Holy" (Exodus 26:34). Or, "Above it stood seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he flew" (Isaiah 6:2). In the New Testament, the word is used exclusively in I Corinthians 11, and as pointed out it is something that is put on, or in the negative cases, taken off. It is not the hair itself because if a woman refuses to cover her head, Paul says she should also shave her head.
In I Corinthians 11:15, a different Greek word is used, peribolaiou. It refers to a cloak or garment that is thrown around to put on. It is also used in Hebrews 1:12, "Like a cloak You will fold them up, and they will be changed."
You referenced: "Unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away" (II Corinthians 3:13). That word is kaluma which also means to cover, hide, or conceal. It is a different word and really doesn't help explain I Corinthians 11. Notice also that Moses covered his face, but I Corinthians speaks of covering the head.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

SUN Worship NOT SON Worship

1st you have the Peagans "Wheel of the Years"
2nd you have the Hindu "Kalachakra"
3rd you have the Buddist "Dharma"
4th you have the Catholic "Monstrance"

These all four are sun worship in different religions. Worshiping the S.U.N and NOT the S.O.N. Ezekiel 8:14-16 Speaks about these things such as the women weeping for Tammuz, with our lack of knowledge Tammuz was born December 25th and was the son of Semiramis who came down in an egg from the moon on Easter then was impregnated birthing Tammuz on the 25th of December. She also was the wife of Nimrod in ancient Babylon who was killed by Shem. Nimrod went by the names Osiris and also Gilgamesh. When Nimrod was killed Shem chopped his body into many parts and scattered them all over the earth. Later Semiramis got her army to recover the body parts to reincarnate him, but all was found except the reproductive organ. Since that was not found he couldn't be reincarnated and his spirit went into the sun later being called by the name Ba'al or Sun God. After the death of Nimrod, Semiramis proclaimed herself to be a god and later went by the names Isis, Ishtar, Diana, Venus, Valentines Day and Queen of Heaven as referred to in Jeremiah 44:17. Tammuz also went by the names of Horus and Cupid coming forth from a virgin birth who is also a sun god. So as you can see these same Egyptian so-called gods are the same gods of Ancient Babylon. This makes it more important for us to put down our Sunday worship and come back to our fathers day which is Saturday.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Albert Pike's Plan on War World 1...2 and 3

Albert Pike a 33rd degree mason explains how/why each world war would be started. The masons have always been the people behind the scenes to each world war for their own separate agenda. Do you think the presidents and gov't officials really run the the world? Think again... From World War 1 to World War 2 and on to World War 3 which is in the brinks. Albert Pike wrote the layout for all the wars and how they were going to be accomplished.

Hidden Truth

Today is a day that we as a people must know who is against us. We as a people must grow in knowledge and truth so that we can't be divided. When we come together in righteousness no man can stop us. But, if we continue not abiding by the laws, statues and commandments we fall into the same snare that has overtaken our forefathers before our time. Deu.28:15 Tells us of all the curses that shall befall the children of Israel if they don't listen unto the words of our Father Ahayah. Daniel 9:11 Also tells us that all Israel/Children of Israel has transgressed the law therefore all of these curses came upon us. Our God put a no people over us. We are great people! And we are awakening and getting away from the ideologies that have been taught to us regarding our records. There's no such thing as a rapture according to the christian doctrine. Nowhere in scripture does it say that the law is done away with or else how would there be a great judgement. Matthew 5:17 Which is Christ/ Yashaya's words says think not that I'm come to destroy the law/Moses or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfill! The old testament Laws, Holy Days, Feast Days, Commandments and Statues still stand until this day! That tears down the ideology of the christian church that the law is done away with. Leviticus 11 tells us not to eat pork nor touch it because it's unclean. Not to eat catfish which is a bottom feeder to clean the ocean floor along with shellfish. But what do you see in every ghetto or hood? The only thing from old testament that we don't deal with is sacrifices because Christ/Yashaya was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins 1 Corinthians 5:7. Nowhere in scripture does it say pray to the saints tearing down the ideology of the Roman Catholic church. Neither does it say have rosemary beads when you pray making the rosemary beads an idol. We must open our eyes to truth and see that these religions have never been for us to stand, but to fall. If religion was about peace why is every war about religion and money? We must give our lives to finding the truth and coming back to our God during this time of great chaos and destruction. There is a mass genocide taking place in the earth and it's not in your favor. Satan knows he has but a short time left Revelations 12:12 and there's going to be great tribulation on this earth. May peace be with you on your journey! Amen

Check the video out below about hidden pork and bugs in your food and hygiene products

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Core Understanding of Scripture

Here's the core Understanding on scripture. If your not properly rooted there's no way you can grown spiritually and blossom into the plant the Most High has planned for you to be. Hope this brings some real understanding through the Holy Spirit. Bless you all

Breakdown of Discrepancies in the Holy Bible

The link below is a teaching that breaks down the discrepancies of the scriptures and how they use these to confuse us and make us do away with the bible all together. But, this book is our salvation Jew and Gentile alike that are in Christ must come together and spread the knowledge that the Holy Spirit places on our heart.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The 365 day calendar was NOT made by Ahayah

Shalom Family, Here attached is the Hebrew calendar also known as the Jubilees Calendar, from the book of Enoch chapter 72&73, that we as a people were prophesied to come back to following in the last days. This calendar consists of the Most High's Holy Days, Feast Days and Sabbaths. We (as a people) don't understand the days of the bible for the simple fact that we don't understand this calendar of the sun cycle. We are not suppose to follow the cycles of the moon for the simple reason that the moon goes off course 10 days a year, that's why you only see quarters of the moon certain nights and 10 days of those nights a year you do not see the moon at all. So for instance if you watched the moon for days of the year you would be 10 days short giving you 354 days a year and you would have to add lunar days and leap years to catch up to the suns orbit. (Ex.365 Days a year) There are 7 days a week, 52 weeks and 364 days a year according to the scriptures of Enoch following the suns orbit. Enoch tells us the first day of the year will be exactly equal, 12 hrs day and 12 hrs night, as you see on the "Sun or Moon Rise Table" below on the attachment. March 16th is exactly 12 hours day and 12 hours night, making the Last day of the year fall on the 15th which is a sabbath and the 8th day of the week and the 16th being the 1st day of the week giving us the first day of the year.
Hope this helps you out a lot! Bless you all