Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hidden Truth

Today is a day that we as a people must know who is against us. We as a people must grow in knowledge and truth so that we can't be divided. When we come together in righteousness no man can stop us. But, if we continue not abiding by the laws, statues and commandments we fall into the same snare that has overtaken our forefathers before our time. Deu.28:15 Tells us of all the curses that shall befall the children of Israel if they don't listen unto the words of our Father Ahayah. Daniel 9:11 Also tells us that all Israel/Children of Israel has transgressed the law therefore all of these curses came upon us. Our God put a no people over us. We are great people! And we are awakening and getting away from the ideologies that have been taught to us regarding our records. There's no such thing as a rapture according to the christian doctrine. Nowhere in scripture does it say that the law is done away with or else how would there be a great judgement. Matthew 5:17 Which is Christ/ Yashaya's words says think not that I'm come to destroy the law/Moses or the prophets: I am not come to destroy but to fulfill! The old testament Laws, Holy Days, Feast Days, Commandments and Statues still stand until this day! That tears down the ideology of the christian church that the law is done away with. Leviticus 11 tells us not to eat pork nor touch it because it's unclean. Not to eat catfish which is a bottom feeder to clean the ocean floor along with shellfish. But what do you see in every ghetto or hood? The only thing from old testament that we don't deal with is sacrifices because Christ/Yashaya was the ultimate sacrifice for our sins 1 Corinthians 5:7. Nowhere in scripture does it say pray to the saints tearing down the ideology of the Roman Catholic church. Neither does it say have rosemary beads when you pray making the rosemary beads an idol. We must open our eyes to truth and see that these religions have never been for us to stand, but to fall. If religion was about peace why is every war about religion and money? We must give our lives to finding the truth and coming back to our God during this time of great chaos and destruction. There is a mass genocide taking place in the earth and it's not in your favor. Satan knows he has but a short time left Revelations 12:12 and there's going to be great tribulation on this earth. May peace be with you on your journey! Amen

Check the video out below about hidden pork and bugs in your food and hygiene products

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