Sunday, December 7, 2014


Hey, Zack. I'm having an issue. With white people steadily and blatantly [and without punishment] killing Us and Our Black men off, I am feeling more and more disdain for them.
Why is it that only Black folks seem to try to live by the rules; love your neighbor as yourself, be kind to those who spitefully use u, etc? How do I Not hate them? It crushes me to see that we're still enduring the same brutality from slavery! Especially with our Black men; they're being massacred and not being held accountable! How do I ease this feeling of hatred? I know this may be silly to you, but I'm having a hard time with this. I've always battled with this, but it's really getting bad now.
My Response
it's hard for all of us... I sit here day by day and watch what's happening and what I foretold people would happen years ago. Not many would listen. But Ecclesiastes 1:18 states for in much wisdom is much grief and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow. So the more we grow spiritually and mentally the more we'll be sorrowful for the people we love and our people. The times were in are rough but were not to be scared because through all this madness and wars we'll be saved and freed from captivity. 1 Thessalonians 4:17 states that those who endure into the end will be called up. This is a purging of our people (the ones who followed the beast). The best thing we can do is get our lives together and find our purpose which is Ecclesiastes 12:13 Fear God and keep his commandments. For this is the whole duty of man. That's our purpose in life. We must first recognize our enemies or else we'll be destroyed altogether. Psalms 83:4 They have said come let us cut them off from being a nation that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent, they are confederate against thee. At least our forefathers knew who the enemy was, we know not who the enemy is. But Psalms 83:6 tells us Edom-Europeans,Romans etc., Ishmelites-Saudia Arabians, Moab-Palestinians and etc... If you follow your history this situation is a continuing thing. We've always battled with our brother Esau. Book of Jasher 57:1- 4 Esau and his sons came to make war with Jacob and his sons in Egypt when Joseph was under the pharaoh after their father Issac died. Esau is not going to let us rest until were utterly destroyed to give Christ no reason to come back, but in Matthew 24:22 States and except those days should be shortened there should no flesh be saved. but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. So for the Most High's people Satan's rule is going to be shortened so that we can make it through the storm. We are in the period called Jacob's Trouble. The Apocrypha gives us a inside look of the mind state of the wicked in Wisdom of Solomon 2:11 stating Let our strength be the law of justice... The government is going to use the law to justify what their doing. These police officers are just doing what their commanded to do that's why they're not being sentenced. But we have to endure into the end and continue looking forward to the prize, continue awakening people to the truth for them to know what's going on around them to save them. Many are going to come to you for guidance because the churches have no answers to why they're killing us, so since you have the answer you must spread those words of comfort to endure until the end and come back to our laws and put down all pagan, satanic and unclean things that hinder our growth. Just remember were going to make it through this to be those that endure into the end Revelations 7. But, we must first leave the land of our captivity and that's the hardest and most important step. Zechariah 2:7, Jeremiah 51:45 and Revelations 18:4 I hope this brings knowledge and comfort to your heart.
Bless you

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Feast of Dedication/ Feast of Lights is This Week!

Hey family! Today is a great day on earth and in heaven. We as a people have been through much tribulation in this earth. And this day tells and reminds us of how we fell from the law and lost our identity under the Greeks empire. Hope this week is blessed unto you all! 1 Maccabees ch.1-4 and John 10:22 and 3rd Beast of Daniel 7. This week from Saturday December 6th through Saturday December 13th. Feast of Dedications/ Feast of Lights