Sunday, November 30, 2014

Question 1 from Unknown Student

I was speaking with one of my students when they asked me a question that I feel like everyone should hear. My student asked me why do some people worship Christ as God? And did God send Christ to let the people of the earth know he existed? And are we saved through Christ death and don't have to follow the law anymore or do we follow the law to the best of our ability?

Well according to the scriptures of the old testament everyone knew that the Most High God of the Hebrews existed. It wasn't how it is in our time that you have to convince people that God is real. In the old testament God himself would speak to people directly and give them revelations of things to come as in exodus 3 for example. But, God would also send Christ to do his work who was in the spirit at the time of the old testament before he came in the flesh in the new testament (1 Corinthians 10:1-4). So Christ was not sent to make people believe that the God of the Hebrews was real. But, Christ was sent to be an example for the people in righteousness. (1 Timothy 4:12) States be an example of the believers, if you don't follow the laws, statues and commandments what separates a believer from an unbeliever in their walk? If your both smoking and drinking, eating whatever you want and treating people however you want to treat them is your walk not the same no matter what you believe? One says I believe in Christ and he died for my sins and the other doesn't believe but their walks are parallel to one another. That's confusing to a person who doesn't believe and is seeking truth. When (Matthew 5:17) Clearly states that Christ did not come to destroy the law(laws of Moses) or the prophets(new testament) but to fulfill. So why would people say that we don't have to follow the law anymore?

Now the worship of Jesus came about around 324 A.D with Constantine of Rome. He's the person who implemented paganism into our modern day Christianity trying to defeat the other emperors of Rome which was divided into 5 portions. He wanted to be ruler over all of Rome and since there was co many Christians fighting for the other portions of Rome he said that an angel came to him in his dream and he converted into Christianity to win the other rulers soldiers therefore winning the war. But he never quite left his pagan beliefs instead made Christianity more similar to his own beliefs. I'll add a link for that video on his life.

It's important that we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior to be saved to come back to the father(John 14:6), but that's just the beginning stage of salvation. After this we must come into the laws which is the love of our father the Most High God (1 John 5:3) Many people speak about love and God but don't actually know what the love of God is according to scripture. With this combination of believing that Christ is our Lord and Savior and afterward coming into following the laws, statues and commandments many souls will be saved. (Hebrews 2:14) Christ came in to this earth as we would flesh and blood for a reason. To give us no excuse to why we can't be perfect in the law and overcome temptation as he did. He could have came in the image of angels being a miraculous birth, but it would no benefit him to come in that image because that would give us an excuse to say it's impossible for us to follow the laws of our God. If Christ came as a demi-god according to the miraculous birth that would take us to (Genesis 6) with the fallen angels which is against the Most High Gods order. So we should try to abide by the laws and strive for perfection as Christ was that example for us to be like our father in heaven (Matthews 5:48)

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