Sunday, November 30, 2014

Question 2 From Unknown Student

Here's another question that was asked of one of my students. In regards to knowing my true lineage, and the fact that my identity was stolen, what do I do? What do we do, as God's chosen? Other than believing in God and following His Laws, what do we do to reclaim our heritage and land?

Well in regards of our stolen identity and lineage... and besides knowing that the laws, statues and commandments were given to us(Jacob) to follow and not the other nations (Psalms 147:19) and we been in this state as a people for not following the laws (Deuteronomy 28:15). Makes that a big point in our uprising as a people. What we do is come back to our God and be as his people on this earth to uphold righteousness in this earth before our Savior returns to free us from this satanic system (Government).

But, to reclaim our heritage is what process were doing right now. Coming back to the laws, statues and commandments. Honoring the Feast and Holy Days according to the bible and putting away these Satanic Holidays. Our women covering their head when they pray or phophesieth and our men to leave their head uncovered when doing so (1 corinthians 11:1-16). See these laws are a heritage, like praying 3 times a day (Psalms 55:17). These things were things our forefathers knew and exercised daily to be the light of the world. Now as for us reclaiming our land that will not happen until Christ returns(Joel 3:1-21) and destroys Israel and Europe and we will be baptized through the water like Moses passed through the Red Sea this time being lead by Christ. But, the Most High God did let us know what lands would be gathered and save at the end of all these wars and for us to get ourselves to these places in (Isaiah 11:11). Cush-Ethopia, Shinar-Iraq, Egypt, Elam-Persia, Hamath-Lebanon, Syria and the Islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Right now it's about correction and survival.

Hope this helps you
Bless you

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